Similarly to humans, dogs can experience anxiety. While anxiety in dogs is not uncommon, it can be difficult to determine whether your dog is experiencing anxiety or what signs are indicative of anxiety in dogs.
We’re going to talk about the top 5 common signs of anxiety in dogs and how to deal with them!
1. Observe Your Dog’s Panting
Dogs normally pant, especially on a hot day, but if you see them panting out of nowhere, this may be a sign that their anxiety has taken over and they need space to reel themselves back in! In addition to panting, dogs can also exhibit signs of excitement, so it’s important not to use panting alone as an expression of your dog’s mood.
Panting might be a sign that your dog is nervous or anxious. They might do this if they hear a strange noise outside or if they don’t know what to do. You should keep an eye on your dog when they begin panting, and ensure they are in a safe and comfortable environment that does not increase their stress. You should constantly watch them to make sure everything is okay.
If their anxiety worsens or if they pant excessively while calm and relaxed, this may be a sign of something more serious, such as a heatstroke or an anxiety attack.
2. Does Your Dog Whine And Cry?
You should determine why your dog is whining and crying before assuming it is caused by anxiety. Dogs cry and whine for a number of reasons, so you must investigate what is causing this behaviour in your dog before assuming it is caused by anxiety. The cause of these symptoms, however, could be anxiety if you experience them frequently without obvious reason.
Anxiety in dogs is often triggered by environmental stressors due to changes in their daily routine or interruptions in their normal routines (i.e., going on vacation). There are a few ways you can calm your dog down if they are whining and crying excessively due to anxiety.
Take them for a walk or play with them to tire them out and take away anything that might cause anxiety. You can also make them tired out by playing with them or taking them for a walk.
The only way to get them back to their normal routine if they are experiencing anxiety is to gradually introduce them back to their normal schedule by feeding them at the same time every day or taking them for walks during times when they would normally go for one.
3. Is Your Dog Hiding Or Cowering?
In the case of a dog that keeps disappearing, anxiety could be at fault. In an attempt to reduce their stress levels, anxious dogs often remove themselves from stressful situations. (For example, they may try and leave a situation if too much is going on).
The underlying cause of anxiety in your dog is usually hiding or cowering when they aren’t supposed to be anxious (e.g., when you come home). You can help your dog regain their confidence by distracting them with activities they enjoy, such as playing fetch or taking them for a walk.
If your dog cowers or hides due to anxiety, there are a few things you can do to make them feel better. Furthermore, you should try to identify situations in which your dog might experience anxiety and keep them away from them as much as possible.
4. Does Your Dog Urinate Or Defecate In The House?
Changing your dog’s house training routine and suddenly seeing them urinating or defecating indoors could be due to anxiety.
If anxiety has been an ongoing issue, curious dogs may revert to old habits. If you feel anxiety is a major issue for your dog, you might consider training them to use a doggy door so they can leave at any time. Walking your dog often can prevent your dog from peeing and pooping in the house.
It is also possible that anxiety can cause your dog to have accidents in the house due to physical health issues, such as urinary tract infections. Anxiety can also make it more difficult for your pet to control his bladder.
In the event that your dog has accidents due to anxiety, you have two options. To begin with, you may want to schedule an appointment with the vet. Make sure that your dog is in good health before trying to reduce his anxiety. If your pooch is having trouble, a veterinarian should be consulted before working yourself up out of anxiety. A professional trainer or behaviourist may be able to help you if anxiety isn’t the cause of your dog’s messes.
In case your dog has accidents inside your home due to anxiety, he should receive treatment as soon as possible to prevent this from getting worse.
5. Does Your Dog Have Trouble Settling Down?
Anxious or stressed dogs may have trouble relaxing. If your dog does not seem to calm down despite being left alone for a short time, this could be a symptom of anxiety.
Having access to food, water, bedding, and an exit route will not stop some anxious dogs from barking or whining when they’re left alone in a room. Others may pace back and forth nervously even if they have access to their bedding, food, and water.
Several of his favourite toys could be placed in the area where your dog is being left alone if your dog cannot settle. You could also try leaving old clothing with your scent with his bedding. Also, you could play with your dog before leaving for him to get his mind off anxiety, or leave some soothing music on while you’re gone for him to listen to.
There are several ways to help dogs de-stress and feel more relaxed if they are experiencing anxiety. Knowing the signs can be helpful. It may be time to contact a dog trainer or behaviourist if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above in your dog. Dog anxiety can lead to some undesirable behaviours if left untreated.
Furthermore, giving your anxious dog plenty of exercise and keeping their mind occupied will also help them feel more at ease. If you are looking for a dog bed then see our collection.