Top Picks for Best Dogs for Apartment Living in Australia

Finding the perfect dog for apartment living can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. In this guide, we will explore the top picks for the best dogs that are well-suited for apartment living in Australia. These dogs are apartment-friendly, low maintenance, small in size, hypoallergenic, and quiet. Whether you live in a cozy studio or a high-rise apartment, there is a dog breed that will fit perfectly into your living situation.

Having a dog in an apartment comes with its own set of considerations. You need a dog that can adapt to a smaller space, doesn’t require excessive exercise, is well-behaved, and doesn’t shed too much. Additionally, if you or your family members have allergies, you may need a hypoallergenic breed. We have carefully selected a range of dog breeds that tick all these boxes, ensuring that you and your furry friend can live harmoniously in your apartment.

Let’s dive into our top picks for the best dogs for apartment living in Australia.

Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a hypoallergenic dog breed that is perfect for apartments. These dogs are low-shedding and easy to maintain, making them ideal for people with allergies or those who prefer a clean living space. Bichon Frises are also small in size, weighing around 15 pounds, and they have a playful and friendly temperament, making them great companions for apartment dwellers.

Bichon Frise

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance apartment dog that provides love and companionship without triggering allergies or creating a mess, then the Bichon Frise is a fantastic choice. Their hypoallergenic coat minimizes the risk of allergic reactions, making them suitable for individuals with sensitivities. With their small size and friendly nature, Bichon Frises are well-suited for apartment living.

Why Bichon Frises are Perfect for Apartments

  • Low-shedding: Bichon Frises have a minimal shedding coat, which means less time spent cleaning up pet hair in your apartment.
  • Hypoallergenic: Their hypoallergenic coat makes them a great option for people with allergies or sensitivities.
  • Small size: Weighing around 15 pounds, Bichon Frises are compact and don’t require a lot of space, making them ideal for apartment living.
  • Friendly temperament: Bichon Frises are known for their playful, affectionate, and friendly nature, making them great companions for apartment dwellers.

“Bichon Frises are wonderful apartment dogs. They’re low-shedding, hypoallergenic, and have a friendly temperament that makes them a joy to have around in small living spaces.”
– Dog Lover Magazine

When it comes to apartment living, Bichon Frises tick all the boxes. They’re a perfect choice for individuals or families seeking a low-maintenance, hypoallergenic, and small dog breed. Whether you live in a cozy studio or a high-rise apartment, a Bichon Frise will bring joy, love, and companionship to your home without the need for a large living space.

French Bulldog

When it comes to apartment-friendly dog breeds, the French Bulldog is a top choice for many metropolitan millennials in Australia.

These small dogs are well-suited for apartment living due to their compact size and low exercise needs. Unlike larger breeds, French Bulldogs can comfortably thrive in limited space, making them a popular choice for apartment dwellers.

One of the standout characteristics of French Bulldogs is their quiet and friendly temperament. If you value a peaceful environment in your apartment, these dogs are an excellent choice. Their calm nature ensures that they won’t disturb your neighbors or cause any unnecessary noise.

Despite their low exercise requirements, French Bulldogs still enjoy short walks and playtime to stay mentally and physically stimulated. However, they don’t have high energy levels like some other breeds, which makes them a low-maintenance option for apartment living.

With their adorable bat-like ears and expressive eyes, French Bulldogs are not only a practical choice for apartment living but also a fashionable one. These dogs have gained popularity for their unique appearance, making them a trendy companion for urban dwellers.

French Bulldog

In summary, the French Bulldog is a small and apartment-friendly dog breed that requires minimal maintenance. With their quiet nature, they are perfect for those seeking a peaceful environment in their apartments. If you’re looking for a stylish and low-maintenance companion, the French Bulldog could be the perfect fit for your apartment lifestyle.


Despite being the fastest dog around, Greyhounds can adapt surprisingly well to apartment living. These dogs are known for their couch potato tendencies and prefer lounging around most of the day. While they do require regular exercise, a trip to the dog park or a brisk walk should be sufficient to keep them happy and healthy in an apartment setting.

Greyhounds are apartment-friendly due to their low-maintenance nature and quiet demeanor. Their calm and gentle temperament makes them suitable for living in close quarters with neighbors. Their short coat also contributes to their low-maintenance status, requiring only minimal grooming.

“Greyhounds are a great match for apartment living. Despite their size, they are quiet and content with a relaxed lifestyle. They don’t need a large backyard to run around in, and a daily walk is usually enough to keep them happy. Plus, their easygoing nature makes them an ideal companion for city dwellers.”

If you’re considering a Greyhound as your apartment dog, it’s important to provide them with mental stimulation in addition to physical exercise. Puzzle toys, interactive games, and obedience training can help keep their minds sharp and prevent boredom. These intelligent dogs thrive on human companionship, so be prepared to spend quality time with your Greyhound.


Pugs are beloved small dogs that are well-suited for apartment living. These apartment-friendly dog breeds are adored for their mischievous and loving nature, making them great companions for apartment dwellers. Pugs are natural homebodies, and their small size means they don’t require a lot of space or exercise. They are content with walks around the block and indoor playtime.

However, it’s important to note that pugs are prone to obesity. As an apartment owner, it’s crucial to monitor their food intake and provide regular exercise to keep them healthy. Incorporate interactive toys and mental stimulation activities to keep your pug entertained and mentally stimulated.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a wonderful choice for apartment living. This small and charming dog breed is known for its friendly and affectionate nature, making it an ideal companion for apartment dwellers.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have a moderate energy level, which means they don’t require excessive exercise. A daily walk around the block or some playtime indoors will keep them happy and healthy. Their compact size allows them to fit comfortably in a studio apartment, making them a popular choice for those living in small spaces.

Despite their small stature, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have a big heart and love being around their human family. They are known for their gentle and loving nature, which makes them great with people of all ages. Plus, their soft and silky coat requires minimal grooming, making them a low-maintenance option for apartment living.

If you’re looking for an apartment-friendly dog breed that is small in size, low maintenance, and friendly, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is definitely worth considering. With their loyalty and affection, these adorable dogs will bring joy and companionship to your apartment.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Benefits of Owning a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in an Apartment

  • Small in size, perfect for apartments
  • Low energy level, requires minimal exercise
  • Friendly and affectionate temperament
  • Low maintenance coat
  • Great with people of all ages

If you’re considering getting a dog for your apartment, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a fantastic choice. Their small size, low maintenance requirements, and loving nature make them an excellent companion for apartment living.

“Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are gentle, friendly, and great with kids. They make wonderful apartment dogs and will bring so much joy to your life.” – Sarah, apartment owner


Despite their muscled frames, Bulldogs have gained a reputation as lazy loungers. These dogs have a friendly and loyal demeanor, making them great companions for apartment living. While Bulldogs don’t require a lot of exercise, they can be sensitive to hot climates, so it’s important to provide them with a cool and comfortable environment.


If you’re looking for an apartment-friendly dog breed that doesn’t demand too much physical activity, the Bulldog could be the perfect fit for your living space. Bulldogs are known for their relaxed and laid-back nature, which makes them well-suited for apartment living where space may be limited.

Bulldogs are generally low-energy dogs that are content with short walks and indoor play sessions. This makes them a suitable choice for apartment dwellers who may have a less active lifestyle or limited access to outdoor spaces.

Bulldogs are also known for their friendly and loyal disposition. They are great with families, including children, and get along well with other pets. Their affectionate nature makes them excellent companions and adds warmth to your apartment.

The Apartment-Friendly Nature of Bulldogs

The Bulldog’s apartment-friendly nature can be attributed to several factors:

  • Low exercise requirements: Bulldogs are not high-energy dogs and don’t require extensive exercise. They are happy with short walks and indoor play sessions, which is ideal for apartment living.
  • Quiet temperament: Bulldogs are generally calm and quiet dogs, making them suitable for apartment environments where noise levels need to be kept to a minimum.
  • Size: Bulldogs are small to medium-sized dogs, typically weighing between 40 to 50 pounds. Their compact size allows them to comfortably navigate small living spaces.

Creating a Comfortable Environment for Bulldogs

To ensure that your Bulldog thrives in your apartment, it’s essential to provide them with a cool and comfortable living environment:

  • Adequate ventilation: Bulldogs can be sensitive to hot climates, so make sure your apartment is well-ventilated and has effective air conditioning or cooling systems.
  • Indoor exercise and mental stimulation: Although Bulldogs don’t require extensive physical exercise, it’s important to provide them with mental stimulation and indoor playtime to keep them mentally engaged.
  • Comfortable bedding: Bulldogs enjoy lounging and relaxing, so investing in a comfortable bed or cushioned area for them to rest will ensure their comfort.

In conclusion, Bulldogs are excellent apartment-friendly dog breeds that are low maintenance, small in size, and have a friendly demeanor. Their relaxed nature and minimal exercise requirements make them well-suited for apartment living. Ensure that your Bulldog has a cool and comfortable environment, and you’ll have a loyal and content companion by your side in your apartment.


The Havanese is a small, fluffy dog breed that is perfect for apartment living in Australia. These dogs are not only adorable but also excel in apartment settings. They have a friendly and outgoing temperament, making them great companions for apartment dwellers. Havanese dogs are known for their playful nature and love to clown around, providing entertainment for everyone in the apartment.

One of the advantages of having a Havanese in an apartment is their hypoallergenic coat. This is great news for people with allergies, as Havanese dogs produce less dander compared to other breeds, making them a hypoallergenic option. You can enjoy the company of a furry friend without worrying about allergies or excessive shedding.

The Havanese is also a low maintenance apartment dog. While they do require regular grooming to keep their long coat looking beautiful, they don’t need excessive exercise. A daily walk and some playtime indoors will keep them happy and content. Their small size allows them to comfortably fit into apartment living spaces, whether you have a studio or a larger apartment.

If you’re looking for a small dog breed that is apartment-friendly, low-maintenance, and hypoallergenic, the Havanese is an excellent choice. They bring joy, love, and entertainment to apartment living, making them the perfect addition to your home.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a wonderful choice for apartment living. Originally bred to live inside Chinese palaces, these dogs are well-suited to the comforts of apartment life. Shih Tzus are known for their affectionate nature and their ability to get along well with kids and other dogs. They are a great option for families living in apartments, as they adapt easily to their surroundings.

One of the advantages of having a Shih Tzu in an apartment is their low exercise requirements. While they still need daily walks and playtime, they don’t demand extensive exercise sessions. This makes them a perfect fit for apartment dwellers with limited outdoor space.

Another benefit is their low-maintenance coats. Shih Tzus have long, flowing hair that requires regular grooming to keep it looking its best. However, their coats don’t shed excessively, which is a bonus for apartment owners who want to keep their living space clean and free of dog hair. Grooming sessions can be a bonding experience between you and your Shih Tzu, and it helps to keep their coats healthy and free from tangles.

The Shih Tzu is an apartment-friendly breed that combines affection, adaptability, and low-maintenance grooming, making it an excellent choice for small living spaces.

With their charming personalities and delightful appearance, Shih Tzus make wonderful companions for apartment dwellers. They are well-behaved, easy to train, and bring joy to any living space. If you’re looking for a small dog breed that is apartment-friendly, low maintenance, and great with families, the Shih Tzu is an ideal choice.

Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound is a miniature version of the racing Greyhound, making it a great choice for apartment living. These dogs are snugglers and love to cozy up on the bed, but they still retain a coursing spirit. While Italian Greyhounds are small in size, it’s important to keep them on a leash in unfenced areas to prevent them from running off.

Key Characteristics of Italian Greyhounds:

  • Size: Small
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate
  • Temperament: Affectionate and playful
  • Trainability: Intelligent and responsive to training
  • Hypoallergenic: Yes
  • Shedding: Low
  • Noise Level: Low
  • Coat: Short and smooth

Italian Greyhounds are known for their elegant appearance and graceful running style. Despite their small size, they have a strong prey drive and can reach impressive speeds. These dogs are often compared to gentle and affectionate cats due to their independent nature and love for snuggling.

Pros of Italian Greyhounds for Apartment Living Cons of Italian Greyhounds for Apartment Living
  • Small size makes them suitable for small living spaces
  • Low exercise needs compared to larger dog breeds
  • Low shedding and hypoallergenic coat
  • Quiet and well-behaved indoors
  • Affectionate and loving companions
  • Require supervision in unfenced areas due to their prey drive
  • May be prone to separation anxiety if left alone for long periods
  • Delicate and prone to injuries, especially around stairs
  • May be difficult to housetrain
  • Sensitive to extreme temperatures


In conclusion, when it comes to finding the best dogs for apartment living in Australia, there are several factors to consider. It’s important to choose a breed that is apartment-friendly, low maintenance, small in size, hypoallergenic, and quiet. Luckily, there are many dog breeds that meet these criteria, making them great choices for apartment dwellers.

Bichon Frises, French Bulldogs, Greyhounds, Pugs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Bulldogs, Havanese, Shih Tzus, Italian Greyhounds, and other small dog breeds are all excellent options for apartment living. These breeds possess the right traits and characteristics to thrive in a confined space without causing disruption or inconvenience.

Remember, it’s crucial to assess your living space, lifestyle, and personal preferences when selecting the best dog for your apartment. In addition to providing a suitable living environment, it’s essential to provide regular exercise, mental stimulation, and proper care for your furry friend’s overall well-being. By doing so, you can create a happy and healthy living environment for both you and your apartment-friendly canine companion.


What are the best dogs for apartment living in Australia?

The best dogs for apartment living in Australia are Bichon Frises, French Bulldogs, Greyhounds, Pugs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Bulldogs, Havanese, Shih Tzus, Italian Greyhounds, and other small dog breeds.

Are Bichon Frises good apartment dogs?

Yes, Bichon Frises are great apartment dogs. They are hypoallergenic, low shedding, and small in size.

Can French Bulldogs be kept in apartments?

Yes, French Bulldogs are popular apartment dogs. They are small in size, low exercise requirements, and have a quiet and friendly temperament.

Do Greyhounds make good apartment pets?

Despite being known for their speed, Greyhounds can adapt well to apartment living. While they do require regular exercise, they are typically couch potatoes and enjoy lounging around.

Are Pugs good for apartment living?

Yes, Pugs are great for apartment living. They are small, low-energy dogs that don’t require a lot of space or exercise.

Can Cavalier King Charles Spaniels be kept in apartments?

Absolutely! Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are small in size and can easily fit into a studio apartment. They are friendly, affectionate, and enjoy walks around the block.

Are Bulldogs good apartment dogs?

Bulldogs are known for their friendly and loyal demeanor, making them great companions for apartment living. While they don’t require a lot of exercise, they can be sensitive to hot climates.

Are Havanese hypoallergenic?

Yes, Havanese dogs are hypoallergenic, which is a bonus for people with allergies. They are also small and great entertainment for apartment dwellers.

Can Shih Tzus live in apartments?

Shih Tzus are well-suited for apartment living. They were originally bred to live in palaces and are affectionate, good with kids and other dogs, and don’t require a lot of exercise.

Are Italian Greyhounds good apartment pets?

Yes, Italian Greyhounds are miniature versions of racing Greyhounds and are great for apartment living. They are small in size but still retain a coursing spirit.

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